DC Sail High School Racing Program

2025 Spring Season Registration Information:

The 2025 High School Racing Program Spring Season Registration will open at 12:00 Noon on Thursday, January 23, 2025.

Please scroll down to the red boxes below on this page. When registration opens, you'll find white hyperlinks to click on to start the registration process for either JV/Varsity or Green Fleet*.

You may need to "refresh" your browser to view the links in the red boxes below as they go live. This may take about three-five minutes from opening registration as the database updates and the links appear on the website.

Sell Out to Capacity Situations: If we reach capacity for either JV/Varsity or Green Fleet*, you will see when you click on the link that there are zero spaces remaining available that level. However, there will be a "Join Waitlist" button available. Parents are encouraged to register for the waitlist. There is no cost to be on the waitlist - no financial transactions occur. We will absolutely be in touch with parents should openings occur where we can accommodate your sailor(s)!

We look forward to welcoming sailors to DC Sail for a terrific sailing season! Thank you so much for your support!

*IMPORTANT: Please note that the Green Fleet registration link is solely for Green Fleet.

Any JV/Varsity registrations that come through the Green Fleet link will be automatically cancelled/refunded.
(Green Fleet is a learn to sail/learn to race component of the program. This is not appropriate for experienced or returning sailors to the High School Racing Program.)

High School Racing Program at DC Sail

Established in 2005, the DC Sail High School Sailing Program allows students from Middle and High Schools throughout the DC area to participate in our Varsity and Junior Varsity and Learn to Sail Interscholastic teams. We offer High School Programs in the Spring (March - May) and the Fall (September - November.)  

Please view the FAQ page (click here) for additional information on how the program is managed including regatta requirements, establishing teams sailing under their school's name, sailor expectations, equipment needs, attendance, etc. 

DC Sail has a comprehensive High School Racing Handbook. Please click here to review. (An updated Spring 2025 version of the Handbook will be distributed at the start of the season.)

Season Start Dates: 

Varsity - Monday, March 10, 2025

Junior Varsity & Green Fleet - Tuesday, March 11, 2025

Season Ends:

Friday, May 16, 2025 with the exception of select sailors competing in season-end invitational regattas.

Spring 2025 Practice Times

Practice time has been modified as noted below:

Varsity - Monday, Wednesday, Friday - 4:00 PM to 7:00 PM

Junior Varsity & Green Fleet - Tuesday, Thursday - 4:00 PM to 7:00 PM

Full School Teams* - Monday, Wednesday, Friday OR Tuesday, Thursday, Friday - 4:00 PM to 7:00 PM

*Schools with 4 or more sailors (Full Teams) will tryout together and practice based on the schedule that meets their team's collective needs.

ALL VARSITY SAILORS, regardless of previous sailing experience, will be required to tryout for the Spring 2025 season. Tryout dates will be posted and communicated following registration.

Important Weekend Regatta (League) Participation

Our regional MASSA league has been informed by the national ISSA (Interscholastic Sailing Association) administration that every school represented by sailor(s) must be enrolled with and be registered in the official “TechScore Platform.” This is regardless if there is a full “team” of four or more sailors coming from their school. 

This league policy includes “Independent” sailors on the DC Combo team, which will result in an additional fee of up to $150 to cover the ISSA league fees if the sailor wishes to attend weekend regatta competitions and is the sole sailor from their school. Independent sailors registered with the league will be welcome to attend home and away regattas. 

This fee is for the 2024-2025 school year and not a "per event" fee. The fee paid once at the start of the season is the same whether the sailor is able to sail in one event or multiple events. Due to fewer available events in recent seasons, our goal is to send every sailor in good standing to at least two events, more if availability allows.

Example of additional fees that will be invoiced separately for three or less students from any given school: (Accordingly, fees for four or more students coming from a given school will also be split among those sailors.)

One Student


Two Students


Three Students


Full teams are four or more sailors attending from a given school and will sail under their school name. Team sailors will attend after-school practices and weekend regattas and if the team performs well, may be invited to the end of season regattas/finals based upon league standings.

For sailors registered to include weekend regatta activity, DC Sail will coordinate the ISSA registrations and will manage any communications as the primary point of contact. Separate invoices will be issued to parents.

COST: The $630.00 tuition per sailor per season and does not include regatta participation fees.

With that said, we have opted to include a registration level that will allow sailors to attend the after-school practices during the week, but without committing to the league (weekend regatta) participation and additional league fees.

Varsity (Tier 1) & Junior Varsity (Tier 2) High School Racing Program

The DC Sail High School Racing Program is the facilitator for local high school sailors and teams. Any student is welcome to participate in the program, regardless of whether they have a program at their school or not. (Sailors' schools are not involved in the DC Sail High School Racing Program.)

DC Sail offers the only small boat sailing facility in the District of Columbia. High school sailing activities take place at DC Sail's Diamond Teague Park waterfront facility at 99 Potomac Avenue SE, located on the Anacostia River, behind Nationals Park, a short walk from the Navy Yard-Ballpark Metro Station. Please click here for a Google Map to our dock location. 

DC Sail maintains a fleet of 18 Club/Collegiate Flying Juniors, which are double-handed racing sailboats. Four motorized boats operate as safety boats and on-the-water teaching platforms.

Please click link below in the red box to launch High School Racing Program JV and Varsity Registration Process.                  

JV & Varsity High School Racing Program

10 Mar 2025 4:00 PM • Diamond Teague Park Piers, 99 Potomac Avenue SE, Washington, DC 20003

Green Fleet Program
(Tier 3)

In its 14th season, the "Green Fleet" racing program is designed  to be a "Learn to Sail/Learn to Race" program for middle school aged sailors who are currently 12 years old (or older). The program is also open to brand new sailors, or sailors who may have "summer camp" experience but little or no official race training, including students who are already in High School.

This program will have two days of after school instruction during the week. The practice sessions groom young sailors on the Flying Junior fleet in preparation of the more demanding High School Racing Program once they are of age and have the skills necessary for the JV/Varsity level of sailing competition. 

Regatta Participation: There will be an anticipated a few Green Fleet (Tier 3) sailors. Information regarding the regatta schedule will be emailed to parents/sailors. 

Green Fleet (Tier 3) sailors are not required to attend Tryouts.

We have limited spaces available for the Green Fleet Program each season. 

Please click link below in the red box to start the registration for "Green Fleet" High School Racing Prep Program. 

Green Fleet Prep Program

10 Mar 2025 4:00 PM • Diamond Teague Park Piers, 99 Potomac Avenue SE, Washington, DC 20003


DC Sail maintains a staff of outstanding coaches. Each instructor (coach) employed by DC Sail is trained in techniques for teaching basic sailing including safety boat operation, instructional sailing drills and lecture topics.  Our instructors are also certified by the American Red Cross in First Aid and CPR and have completed the US Sailing SafeSport Certification. Staff are also subject to pre-employment full background checks.

2025 Spring Season Tryouts Schedule:

Tryout Schedule To Be Confirmed.

There are no "cuts" resulting from Tryouts as it is an opportunity for coaching staff to evaluate sailing skills and to assign to teams.

For those sailors who wish to be advanced/placed in the the Varsity level of racing, they should plan on attending Tryouts. 

Varsity sailors will be required to attend after-school practices three days a week. (Monday-Wednesday-Friday.) Sailors are required to be fully committed to the after-school practices in order to compete on the Varsity level.

Note there is no Tryout for Junior Varsity and Green Fleet. (No sailing experience is required for Green Fleet.)

2025 Spring Season Regatta Schedule: 

To Be Confirmed.

DC Sail will host a few "home" regattas at our dock location, with the balance of the regattas "away" such as Annapolis, Baltimore, and Eastern Shore facilities. (DC Sail does not provide transportation for the away regattas.)

2025 Spring Season Practice Schedule:

Varsity sailors are required to attend after-school practices three days a week (Monday, Wednesday, Friday.) 

Season Start Dates: 

Varsity - Monday, March 10, 2025

Junior Varsity & Green Fleet - Tuesday, March 11, 2025

Season Ends:

Friday, May 18, 2025 with the exception of select sailors competing in season-end regattas.

**Sailors are considered "On Time," if on the docks and ready to sail by 4:00 PM. Coaches will open the docks at 3:45 PM.**

Varsity (Tier 1) Practices: Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays 4:00 PM to 7:00 PM 

Junior Varsity (Tier 2) Practices: Tuesdays & Thursdays 4:00 PM to 7:00 PM

Green Fleet (Tier 3) Practices: Tuesdays & Thursdays 4:00 PM to 7:00 PM


2025 Spring Season

Registration for the 2025 Spring Season will open in January 2025.

Sailors are required to be  fully committed to attend all scheduled practices and to complete the season prior to registration.

Instructions for Online Registration & Payment.

Cost of the DC Sail High School Racing Program is $630.00 per sailor/per season.  

League Fees: For Sailors wishing to participate in formal league regattas, additional fees will be invoiced dependent on the number of sailors attending from any given school. There are two levels of registration available: After-School Practices Only and After-School Practices and Weekend Regattas. 

*Scholarships are available for those with annual household income of less than $50,000.  


·        Requests for cancellation 30+ days from start date would receive a full refund.

·        Requests for cancellation within 30 days to 14 days from the start date would receive a 75% refund.

·        Requests for cancellations with less than 14 days prior to the start date would be non-refundable. *Consideration of extraordinary circumstances will be at the discretion of the Executive Director.

DC Sail will not offer “pro-rated” discounts or refunds once the season has commenced. 

Only fully paid and registered sailors will be permitted to attend Tryouts and the season's practices and regattas.

Full payment by a credit card is required at the time of registration. Unpaid registrations will be cancelled by the system automatically after 15 minutes. Please be sure to have your payment information available at the time of online registration.

First Step: Please click on the link in one of the red boxes to the left. One is for High School Racing Program (Varsity/JV,) the other a bit further down the page is for the "Green Fleet" Program. 

Complete the online registration form and issue payment as step one of the registration process.

Step Two: Launch, print and complete the hard copy registration document. Please see link below. These forms are to be delivered to coaching staff at Tryouts or first attended practice for all sailors.

Please click here to launch the Spring 2025 Registration Forms.

Coaching Staff will be in contact after registration closes to assign sailors to teams/levels.

Sell-Out to Capacity Notice: If we sell out to capacity a waitlist will be available. Waitlist or late registrations will be considered on a case-by-case basis and based on availability. No discounts are available for late registrations.

Contact Info:

Coach Cam Costello, Director of Programs & Waterfront Operations:

Traci Mead, Executive Director: (tmead@dcsail.org)


Stay Connected

DC Sail is the community sailing program of National Maritime Heritage Foundation, a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization.
Business Mailing Address: 650 Wharf Street SW, Unit 20, Washington, DC 20024
Diamond Teague Park Piers Waterfront Address: 99 Potomac Avenue SE, Washington, DC 20003
The Wharf Marina Waterfront Address: 650 Wharf Street SW, Washington, DC 20024
Telephone: (202) 547-1250 · Email: Traci Mead, Executive Director - tmead@dcsail.org 
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